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Os Alvarez
embarked on The Raway journey 
as an entrepreneur, 
involved in various successful ventures.

despite outward success, 
he felt unfulfilled.

This realization led him to a profound transformation, guiding him to help others 
find their authentic selves and purpose.

With a deep commitment to
elevating business leaders,
Os facilitates trust, vision, and growth

Os’ approach centers on


where collaboration leads to exponential progress. 
CEOs and teams commend 
his ability to create spaces 
for clear vision and commitment.


Os brings

a Chopra Center Meditation Instructor certification,

a Hoffman Institute graduate, and

an MBA in Finance and Strategy from Yale University.

Os serves as a trusted coach 
for members of esteemed organizations 

Young Presidents' Organization (YPO),
Entrepreneurs Organization (EO),
The Local Leader’s Collective (LLC).


Transformational is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days, but it wasn't before Oswaldo led my Company's annual retreat, that I understood what "transformational" authentically meant. Oswaldo has at his disposal a network of amazing people, tools and best practices that will help you get to "transformational". His process helped our team hit new levels of trust, constructive conflict and commitment. What seemed impossible at the beginning of the retreat was now possible after the retreat. When your whole team believes and commits to the same goals anything is possible. Oswaldo helped my team get to transformational.
I highly recommend Oswaldo for his value, empathy, knowledge, commitment, innovation, and unique process.

Stephen Spiegel, CEO at Crewhu


 Os Alvarez  

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